Thursday, December 12, 2019

Essay on Environment free essay sample

These environmental components are considered as the resources and are mostly exploited and utilized by the men to fulfill their basic physical needs they can be considered as the fellow members of the global eco-system with which men establish emotional, intellectual, or physical relationships and these provide the basis for a sense of purpose of life to them. Thus, man is firmly placed as an important part of the global ecosystem, which depends on him much as he depends on it. Hence, there is a close relationship between man and environment. Solutions/ ideas I do some things to make myself more environmentally friendly. I walk to school instead of driving because I live about two blocks away. I also take the bus when I go downtown or my friends house. When I need to get somewhere and many people are going, I carpool with some friends. I recycle any cardboard boxes and milk cartons, and I reuse water bottles and fill them with filtered tap water instead of buying more water. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Environment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I take short showers and I dont leave the facet on when I am brushing my teeth. My mentor told me that a clean work place reduces the chance of people spreading any diseases. He also told me that many people are ill because their houses or work places are unsanitary. A clean environment is good for everyone, but we are far from one. If we continue what we are doing, most of our natural resources would be gone and our future generations would have nothing to survive on. We should focus more on renewable energy sources like the wind, sun, and maybe even rain instead of wasting all of our fossil fuels. We also need to do more with our trash instead of burning or burying it. I hope that if apply my studies to environmental problems and coming up with a solution to them, I can help make a better future for everyone The environment is really something we should start worrying about more than war or making more and more money. the explosion of the first nuclear weapon clearly made us reconsider the idea of war† (McKibben 500) This is because the nuclear weapons we had created a weapon that could not only kill millions of people but leave the soil poisoned with radioactivity, leave a nuclear winter behind, and even send society back to the Stone Age. Now we could affect the natural world in a massive and significant way, unlike before when our actions had little effect on the environment around us There are many environmental issues facing our world today. If I were given a year to improve the earths environment I would focus on one issue the world faces today, it is our dependence on oil. This dependence we have is so strong we have started wars, killed and deceived people for oil. I think it is time we do something about it and try and find an alternative form of energy. Because soon this problem will be too much for us to handle and by then it will be too late. Oil has become a pressing issue for both the USA and the world in the past century partly due to the fact that we are either too lazy or some people are too greedy to find an environmentally sound solution to our increasing dependence on it. There are many environmental problems linked to oil both directly and indirect.

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